BodyMind Animated Video
Video Description
BodyMind Matwork, the only animated video of the Pilates exercises, gives a new perspective on these classic moves.
Each exercise is shown at different angles using graphics that simulate the actual muscle recruitment.
Since the "performer" can demonstrate the full potential of each exercise, the viewer can see 42 mat exercises demonstrated perfectly revealing their beauty and complexity.
Exercises included: the Hundred, Rollup, Rollover, Leg Circles, Single Leg Stretch, Saw, Swan Dive, Neck Pull, Spine Twist, Jackknife, Boomerang, and many others.
When this video was released in 2001, no one understood the benefit of seeing these movements in animation with arrows pointing to exactly where the body needed to be. Now, many years later, people are ready to recognize how organic these moves are by looking at these animations.